Lacey suggests there are a repertoire of elements that if used in combination suggest a media text belongs to a certain genre. These elements are:
Setting : Most genres have a typical location or setting I.E a horror film will be set in the woods or a empty building at night. The setting could also relate to time periods I.E. if a film is set in mid 20th century New York we can assume the film is about the Italian mafia etc.
Character: Characters are usually present in all genres, but the way these characters function and develop is up to the genre I.E In horror movies a female character may go through a lot more emotional distress than a female character in a comedy
Narrative: Story structure is a key component in differentiating genres I.E you wouldn't find a car chase in a horror movie (most likely you wouldn't)
Iconography: Films contain visual and audio cues which are specific to that genre I.E a tommy gun spraying down a room, is probably a crime film
Style: Where iconography refers to the objects, style is more about describing them, camera angles, lighting, the use of colour etc.
For our opening sequence we are creating a psychological thriller. In terms of Lacey's genre elements, we are going to attempt to incorporate as much as we can as well as looking at how these elements are incorporated in other .
Setting: Our film will take place in multiple locations