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Rough Cut


Anyone watching this can probably see what is wrong with it straight away. There is random sound still in the clips of us talking in the background, a lack of sound we haven't added in and furthermore the clips in the rough cut are under-edited. That is the main problem with the rough cut so far which is in simple terms that it is not finished yet, we still have a couple more scenes to add, plus a few filler shots to add to Erik's delusions and flashbacks and that is all really that is negative about the sequence. On a positive note, some scenes look really good in my opinion and I am really excited to get back on the editing grind and get to work on this sequence, it is coming together really well, and it is starting to show early signs of being a very successful sequence


Audience Criticisms

I got a sample of students to watch our sequence and many of them had the same criticisms as before "It's not finished" "There's no sound" "The wind is too loud" etc. However, some students gave some unique constructive criticism, I will show them here and talk about them

1. "The editing style doesn't fit the genre" This is a problem I noticed in mostly the flashback sequence, the editing seems choppy and weird in comparison to the rest of the film, but since we are so early into the editing progress and there is still much to add, it is not much of a problem until the whole film is done, and if it still looks out of place then we will remove it

2. "The clips seem random or have no connection to each other" this was purposely done as the first half/3 quarters of the sequence will be narration based, meaning a lot of random shots are used to convey Erik's feeling and emotions as he is narrating, we are showing and telling Erik's feelings at the time, as the narration is in the present as it is in his head

3. "I can hear you talking in the background" Yep. We are not finished with removing excess sound such as wind and us commenting in the background of the sequence.

4. "

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About Me

Hi, Hello, I am Liam, I attend the Bridge Academy, and study Psychology, Sociology, English Lit and Media. I was looking forward to my future, everything was going right in my life. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world."

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if you suffer from epileptic attacks, I do not recommend this page cause you'll probably have a seizure or something, and I don't want to be responsible for that, that's a lot of pressure for a 16 year old boy, if you do have a seizure I apologise but it wasn't me okay I warned you okay bye

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